healthy bowl of food
bowl of healthy foods

In today’s fast paced society, the hunger for success, constant growth and quest to adjust to rapidly changing lifestyles are forcing you to quickly adapt to changing circumstances and multitask simultaneously. Quite frequently, this makes personal well-being become more of a challenge and less of a priority.

By starting to cultivate a healthy mindset, you will discover that the importance of embracing healthy eating habits is an integral part of your wealth portfolio; one of which adds years of good health and enjoyment to your lifecycle!

Personal wellness is multi-faceted, and includes areas of Selfcare, proper nutrition, healthy relationships, adequate sleep and rest, all of which are a sum of your total well-being.


Selfcare commences with ‘self-love’, which is one of the basic human needs that allows you to define and appreciate yourself, while recognizing your entitlement to happiness. It fosters a peaceful realm and mindset that more frequently than often, needs to be safeguarded from those who embark on a mission of trying to recreate your identity, image and or character. 

Enhance the radiance of your self-love by pursuing activities that empower your physical wellness, personal care, nutrition, healthy relationships, spirituality, creative pursuits and stress relief.  Incorporate what YOU know works best for you into your selfcare routine, so that you can exude confidence that is contagious to others.

Nutrition and Healthy Habits

Your choice of foods consumed and the habits that accompany them can impact your foundation for a healthy lifestyle in a positive or negative way. notes that a balanced diet boosts your energy level and provides the nutrients needed for growth and repair, while lowering the risk of diet related illness, like cancer.

Choosing healthy diets by incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables (including green and leafy), wholegrains, peas and beans, lean meats, poultry and fish, moderate unsaturated fats (Olive Oil, Avocados, almonds, pecans), lead to a healthier body and enjoyable lifestyle.  It also influences the habits of others around you. These foods help to lower your bad cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and some cancers. They also play a vital role in reducing inflammation in the body, which is a factor in many diseases. 

NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, in their article captioned Inflammation, states ‘Inflammation is a normal part of the body’s defense to injury or infection, and, in this way, it is beneficial.  But inflammation is damaging when it occurs in healthy tissues or lasts too long. Known as chronic inflammation, it may persist for months or years.’  Eating healthy is the corner for minimizing the risks inflammation related diseases such as heart disease and blood pressure, Inflammatory bowel disease, Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, some types of cancers. NIH further notes that Chronic inflammatory diseases contribute to more than half of the deaths worldwide. 

Fresh fruits (Citrus Fruits, Strawberries, Tomatoes, and other fruits like pineapple) and vegetables (Cruciferous vegetables, White potatoes, Bell Peppers) are high in Vitamin C and are known to be super immune system boosters.  In their online article: The Nutrition Source: Vitamin C, reiterates that when Vitamin C is taken in the recommended daily amounts (adults over 19 years: 90mg for men and 75mg for women who are not pregnant or breast feeding), it stimulates white blood cells activity in the body. Such activity plays a key role in controlling and preventing infections, chronic disease, scurvy, and healing wounds etc.

According to the online National Institute of Health, Vitamin C Fact Sheet for Consumers, adults who smoke need an additional 35mg of Vitamin C per day to repair the damage caused by free radicals. This powerhouse antioxidant vitamin is essential to produce multiple hormones and chemical messengers used in the brain and nerve. It is indispensable in the production of Collagen, a fibrous protein in connective tissue that is intertwined throughout multiple systems in the body, such as the nervous, bone, blood, immune system, skin, muscles, tendons and cartilage. It also enhances the absorption of non-heme iron found in plant foods. This water-soluble vitamin is easily destroyed by heat. 

Vegetables are a vital source of multiple nutrients, including dietary fiber, folate, potassium, Vitamins A, C, and K, all of which are essential in aiding the proper functioning of the body. Foods high in fiber include Lentils, black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, berries, apples with the skin on, carrots, Bell Peppers, Kale, Broccoli etc. Daily consumption of vegetables is important to the body because it provides a source of fiber that is needed to move food through the digestive system and helps prevent constipation.

Green leafy vegetables such as kale, collard greens, broccoli, spinach, callaloo, bora, provide a high source of vitamin K. This vitamin helps to activate proteins (Prothrombin and Osteocalcin) that are needed for blood clotting (preventing excessive bleeding), and the building of healthy bones. This multi-functional vitamin supports healthy cell turnover and Mitochondrial function (the latter of which makes most of the energy for cells).  

Potassium is an electrolyte that is key to every cell, and helps the body to work correctly, including the brains, nerves, kidneys, heart, other muscles and the body’s inner electrical system. 

Amongst its multiple functions, this mineral assists your nerves to transmit electrical signals from cell to cell. Because the brain is a part of the nervous system, it facilitates communication between brain cells and other cells further away in the body, including larger muscles of the body, thus enabling clarity of thought. Potassium also helps to counter the effects of sodium. 

Vitamin A promotes Healthy eyesight and is commonly known as retinol because it produces the pigments in the retina of the eye. It is essential for eyesight preservation.  “The vitamin is need to convert the light that hits your eye into an electrical signal that can be sent to your brain.”  6 Benefits of Vitamin A Backed by Science:, by Helen West, RD.  This vitamin is vital to multiple functions in the body such as maintaining healthy reproductive systems in both men and women, supports the immune system, minimizes the risk of acne, maintains bone health (although the vital nutrients crucial to healthy bones as you grow older are Vitamin D, protein and calcium). It is important to note that there are two categories of Vitamin A, namely Provitamin A carotenoids derived from plant source (these are plant pigments that are converted to vitamin A in the intestines by the body). The other is Preformed vitamin A which is found in animal protein such poultry, dairy products, eggs, fish and organ meats. Performa A is obtained directly from animal sources. It is important to discuss your Vitamin A needs with your doctor, because excessive amounts can be harmful to the body.

Vitamin D is essential for calcium and phosphorus absorption and is one of the main building blocks for strong and healthy bone growth. When combined with calcium it helps protect you from thinning and weakening (osteoporosis) that are more susceptible to breaking.   It also supports brain health and development while strengthening the memory, immune protection and regulates melatonin production, a hormone that plays a vital role in sleep wake cycle.


Engaging in some for of exercise activity regularly can help to lower blood pressure, improve sleep quality, protects against chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and type 2 diabetes, boost brain health (mental alertness) and maintain immune system support.  Exercise boosts oxygen circulation in the body, raises your energy level and helps the body manage blood sugar and insulin levels.

Make exercising fun by varying your activities.  Get into your favorite pair of comfy supportive sneakers, venture out on a scenic bike or walk to make your workout more interesting and motivating.  Make your routine engaging by switching up the regular workout routine with a few Tai Chi or kick boxing classes. Keep it moving and avoid the consequences of chronic disease and inflammation in your body. 


Prioritizing health and wellness through selective healthy eating habits is a powerful strategy to combat disease and inflammation. By understanding the impact of our dietary choices on our bodies, we can make informed decisions to support our overall being.  Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet rich in whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains (oats, brown rice), lean proteins, nuts, beans, fish and eggs, while reducing the consumption of processed foods, refined sugars and unhealthy fats (saturated fats) can have profound impact on our health. Nourishing our bodies with nutrient-dense foods and minimizing the intake of inflammatory triggers, empowers us to take control of our health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases which are fueled by inflammation.

The key lies not only in what we eat but also in how we eat: practicing healthy food choices, listening to our bodies, and maintaining balance are all essential elements of a holistic approach to eating for good health and longevity. Let us embrace the transformative power of nutrition and make choices that will nourish and protect our bodies, thus enabling us to lead vibrant and disease-free lives.

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    1. Thank you for visiting Health Scoup and reading this article. Lets invest in health choices todays, so that be can can enjoy a healthier and live longer in the future. Please fee free to read and share the other health related articles Health Scoup. Thank YOU. Best Regards, Coleen Smith – Health Scoup

    1. Happy New Year Latish! You are welcome! Thank you for visiting Health Scoup and leaving your comments. Lets make it a top priority in 2024 to adopt a healthier lifestyle and encourage our family and friends to do the same. Please feel free to read the other article on Health Scoup and share our website with others. Thank You. Best Regards, Coleen Smith, Health Scoup

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